Friday, April 25, 2008

Day Out Alone April 16 08

Humility, looking back on thy self...
Is strength.

SaLt + FriEs = LunCh

[ Some kids skipping class for McD!!]
[Die hard fans]

Weird symbol... XD

He told me,
" Step by step "

Look at how the lines form each other...
Like a piece of painting.

Was out alone and takin weird pictures.
Inspired and motivated by RCKY
Everything oso pull you down

[Sungai Leisure Mall]

Just stepping out,
One step at a time.
Lead me by hands,
I yield them all...
From You.

Being alone ain't that lonesome anymore...

1 comment:

CHRIS TAN said...

being alone allows u to know who are more lonely than u and how does that feel.